Nije nam cilj da "pametujemo" o drogama, uzrocima bolesti zavisnosti, niti o lecenju, jer o tome su mnogo pametniji, i svakako, strucniji od nas rekli i napisali skoro sve sto je potrebno.
      Nas cilj je da pokusamo da neka saznanja u svetu o ovoj opakoj pojavi, a posebno o najmodernijim nacinima lecenja zavisnika, novim terapijama i lekovima priblizimo nasim ljudima, jer, bez obzira na brojnost izvora informacija o drogama - mislimo da jos jedan izvor, u cijem je sredistu upravo aspekt lecenja i koji je uvek na "dohvatu ruke", ne moze skoditi, "a ako ne skodi - znaci da koristi".
      Mi se, za sada, ne upustamo u prevodjenje ovde linkovanih tekstova o ovoj problematici, jer ne zelimo da nekim neadekvatnim prevodom nanesemo bilo kakvu stetu bilo kome. Smatramo da kod nas ima dovoljno ljudi koji znaju, ili poznaju engleski jezik u meri da mogu razumeti sustinu, a da je nas cilj samo da stvorimo jedno mesto na internetu odakle ce svi moci brzo i lako da pronadju literaturu o navedenoj problematici.
      Drugi nas cilj je da kroz plasiranje informacija o savremenim odn. najmodernijim metodima lecenja i lekovima podstaknemo "procese" u zemlji koji ce umanjiti nase zaostajanje i u ovoj oblasti, sto je evidentno, a o cemu cete se i sami uveriti nakon sto procitate linkovane stranice.
      Trece cemu zelimo da doprinesemo je da se saznanja o faktorima koji predodredjuju bolest zavisnosti, nacinima ranog otkrivanja potencijalnih zavisnika, a koje je veoma lepo i jasno opisao Dr Neil Beck, (Pert, zapadna Australija) i koji se mogu otkriti veoma rano, cak u decjem i (osnovno)skolskom uzrastu, da se ta saznanja uvrste u obaveze skolskih psihologa - njihovo uocavanje i ukazivanje na njih nastavnicima i roditeljima, kako bi mogli delovati preventivno.
      Sledece sto zelimo je da podstaknemo politicare, verujemo da ce i neko od njih procitati ove sadrzaje,- da obecaju i da ispune obecanja ne samo na planu borbe protiv rasturanja droge, vec i na planu boljeg organizovanja drzave u lecenju obolelih, i, sto se vec "oseca", da sprece prodor grubog kapital-odnosa i u ovu sferu koji za cilj ima nameru da unisti i ono malo "drzavne brige" o zavisnicima , drzavne institucije i bolnice, i da ih zameni sa privatnim ordinacijama, poliklinikama itd. pri cemu osnovni motiv tretmana bolesnika u nekima od njih izgleda nije izlecenje vec profit. Osnovu za ovakvo strahovanje vidimo upravo u opisanim nacinima lecenja i lekovima koji se primenjuju u svetu, npr. u Pertu, koje opisuje dr. Beck, u Spencer recoveri centru, itd. i nekih saznanja o nacinima lecenja kod nas.

Underlying Factors
Comparison of Detox Methods
What is Heroin?
Interesting Links
Press Release

(We now use Buprenorphine S.P.E.E.Q.E.detox, NOT rapid detox.)
(Pouzdano, Jeftino(za bolesnika), Lako, Efikasno, Brzo i Ekonomicno)

Safe Buprenorphine, Painless Withdrawal, Easy Management Medications, Effective, Quick and Economical Group and Personal Support
The pioneering work of Dr Neil Beck.

     heroin effects      heroin addiction       heroin treatment            heroin detox       heroin drug,      
      Zelimo da ukazemo i na svojevrstan "negativnozacarani" krug u lecenju zavisnika kod nas. Dok pomenuti dr.Beck primenjuje svojevrsno "izvlacenje" zavisnika iz stanja zavisnosti, trazi i oslanja se i na najmanju njihovu zelju da se lece i pocinje sa terapijom u cilju jacanja njihovog opredeljenja, dotle kod nas vazi stav da se zavisnik mora najpre cvrsto opredeliti za lecenje, da se prvo "ocisti", a "oni" ce mu onda pomoci sa psihoterapijom, ali opet, samo i onoliko, koliko taj "jadnik' zeli, a poznato je da su zavisnici sve drugo samo ne voljno jaki, stabilni i organozovani ljudi, koji mogu vladati sobom, pogotovo kad im pocnu krize. Zato plediramo za tim da se i u ovoj - mozda najkriticnijoj fazi lecenja odnos nasih "vidara" izmeni, u protivnom, to ce biti jos jedna, mozda najjaca optuzba prema njima za nehuman profit-odnos prema tim ljudima, njihovim porodicama i drustvu u celini.
      Za pocetak ovde je fokusiran HEROIN, kao jedna od najopasnijih droga i nova - stara terapija sa Buprenorphinom, koji je u upotrebi u mnogim zemljama, a kod nas jos nije dobio "pravo gradjanstva". Terapija sa BUPRENORPHIN-om je - prema opisu na linkovanim stranicama POUZDANA, JEFTINIJA za obolelog i porodicu, LAKA za "upravljanje", EFIKASNIJA, BRZA I EKONOMICNIJA.
      Procitajte LINKOVANE STRANICE, posebno rad dr Becka i zakljucite sami - gde smo mi i sta nam je potrebno ciniti?
Ako ista mozete - ucinite to, jer u pitanju su vec desetine hiljada zivota nasih mladih ljudi! A "kandidata" je jos mnogo vise!!!? Dramaticno je, zar ne!?Ako ne mozete nista drugo, onda molimo Vas da - kao i mi - barem prenesete ovakve informacije svojim prijateljima i poznanicima, a neko ce nesto mozda ipak moci i hteti!

     Na kraju, kao potvrdu iznetog, dajemo tri citata iz rada Dr Beck-a:
     "The Best Detox Option is S.P.E.E.Q.E. (Safe, Painless, Easy, Effective, Quick, and Economical) Detoxification.
     All narcotics are reduced or stopped and repeated small doses of Buprenorphine are sucked under the tongue as necessary, as soon as the patient starts to feel withdrawal symptoms. Three days after the last heroin, 5 days after the last morphine or 21 days after the last methadone, very small test doses of narcan may be given subcutaneously- . Very small test doses of naltrexone are given after each dose of narcan. If a withdrawal reaction occurs, the narcan and naltrexone are stopped, as this reaction means the patient is not yet clean. More Buprenorphine tablets are then sucked and additional time is allowed, so that the narcotics of addiction can be further broken down and excreted by natural body processes. The narcan and naltrexone are then recommenced, proceeding more slowly than before. At Western Australian prices the amount of Buprenorphine needed each day will cost approximately 10% as much as the heroin has been costing. That is, someone spending $100 per day on heroin will need to spend about $10 per day on Buprenorphine. (From August 2001 the Australian Government has subsidised Buprenorphine, reducing the cost to a maximum of $A4 per day, regardless of the daily amount needed.This makes it better for most people to continue on with the buprenorphine for a few weeks or months until all the Pre-existing, Underlying Factors have been discovered and corrected; in this case narcan and naltrexone are no longer needed - I very seldom use them now.)"

     Drugi citat koj nam se cini dovoljno ilustrativnim:
     "The Great Buprenorphine Breaktrough
     A great breakthrough has recently occurred for heroin addicts in Western Australia. (Nedavno je objavljen veliki napedak za heroinske ovisnike u WA) Buprenorphine has become available again for narcotic detoxification, and as a maintenance therapy alternative to Methadone. Addicts enthusiastically describe it as being- buduci) far-( mnogo bolji metod od drugih za ciscenje od drugih koje su probali) better than any other method of getting clean that they have tried. They are amazed (zapanjeni) at how quickly, easily and painlessly-( bezbolno) it gets them off heroin, morphine and oxycontin. Buprenorphine has been available for treating pain for twenty years in this country. (Buprenorphine je bio raspoloziv za tretiranje-lecenje bolova pre 20 god. u ovoj zemlji), Its use in treating addiction was stopped by Health Authorities in 1983 for no good reason. It has been available for treating narcotic addiction in France for 6 or 7 years, where its use has been very successful. Its use in treating narcotic addiction is now rapidly spreading (pruza - prosiruje kroz svet), throughout the world and this has forced our WA Health Department to admit-(odobriti) their mistake (gresku) and release it again for the treatment of addiction.
     Buprenorphine is a man made narcotic (je narkotik ljudske proizvodnje) and is the least-(najmanji) addictive mid (srednje) strength (snage) narcotic there is. It is also a powerful antagonist (blocker) of the opioid nerve receptors. This means that it provides both moderate narcotic effect and relief, and also strongly (snazan) blocks craving-(starsnu zelju)_ for and the effects of, other narcotics. Patients can be weaned-(odviknut) off it without any difficulty -(tezak) or suffering,(muke) unlike (za razliku od), methadone which is horrendously difficult and painful to get off. Methadone is what our "experts" chose 20 years ago when they rejected buprenorphine.
     The step from narcotic addiction to being clean, which has been so distressing, difficult and potentially dangerous, can now be painless, quick, easy, cheap and quite safe. (Korak iz narkoticke ovisnosti u cisto_stanje-, koje jej bilo tako bolno, tesko i potencijalno opasno, moze sada bit bezbolno, brzo i lako, jeftino i potpuno bezopasno)
     The heroin is simply stopped and as soon as hanging out begins, it is promptly relieved by sucking as much buprenorphine under the tongue as is necessary, starting with 1 to 2 mgms every hour. After three or four days, all the heroin has been broken down and excreted (izlucen) and the addict is clean. I usually then keep patients on buprenorphine in reducing doses, until all the Pre-existing Underlying Factors, which always underlie every addiction, have been discovered and corrected. Then it is no problem to gradually wean off the buprenorphine and relapse is much less likely to occur. (Onda nije problem postepeno odviknuti od buprenorfine i povratak je mnogo manje verovatan da se desi.)
     In a small number of people with serious and entrenched Underlying Problems, buprenorphine may have to be continued for a longer period as maintenance therapy until these Underlying Problems have been resolved. It is vastly (mnogo) superior to methadone, heroin and morphine as maintenance (podrska) therapy in these circumstances (slucajevima), probably making the idea of trialing or legalizing heroin as maintenance therapy, unnecessary.
     Side effects seldom occur with buprenorphine and are almost always comparatively mild. They include drowsiness,( pospanost) headaches, (glavobolju) disturbed sleep (poremeceno spavanje), sweating (znojenje), nausea (muka) and vomiting (povracanje). Respiratory depression and overdosing (predoziranje) are very rare (retki) unless (osim ako) buprenorphine is taken with large amounts of alcohol or benzo's, which should be avoided (izbegavati) whilst (za vreme pod) on buprenorphine. Care should be taken with driving or operating machinery but these activities are not usually a problem on buprenorphine.
     Western Australian Health Department policy (politika) means that if a doctor becomes aware (svestan) that a buprenorphine patient has become pregnant (trudna), then that doctor must wean (odbiti) that patient off buprenorphine as soon as possible. Effective contraception is therefore very advisable for females on buprenorphine. The Health Department, in its wisdom, recommends that patients becoming pregnant be transferred to methadone, which I believe is a terrible (grozno) mistake (pogresno).
     If a patient has used a lot of speed in the past, buprenorphine is still the best treatment for any narcotic addiction they have. However on its own it may not fully satisfy and settle them. In this case they may also need to take 2 to 10 dexamphetamine tablets per day. One to four tablets should be taken when they first wake in the morning. Another one to three tablets may be needed four hours later. Sometimes a further one or two tablets are needed a few hours later, but shouldn't be taken less than eight hours before the anticipated bedtime. Sometimes Ritalin works better than dexamphetamine but in Australia it is more expensive. When a patient goes onto dexamphetamine, their buprenorphine dose can usually be considerably reduced."

     I na kraju - citat koji nesto vise osvetljava ekonomske aspekte lecenja:
     "Dr Beck claims the "miracle" Buprenorphine now makes the agony of rapid detox unnecessary. He has made a special effort to achieve efficiency and gentleness in detox with this narcotic.
     ISTICEMO:Through a special three to four day program of Buprenorphine, Dr Beck is able to slowly and smoothly eliminate heroin from the patient's system allowing them to begin maintenance therapy on the internationally recognised narcotic blocker, Naltrexone. Buprenorphine facilitates-olaksava- an easy detox because it displaces-uklanja- heroin from the patient's nerve endings -zavrsetaka- or receptors while -dok- simultaneously relieving -istovremeno otpusta- otklanja-sprecava simptome povratnika- ZELJU ZA PONOVNIM UZIMANJEM DROGE, the withdrawal symptoms. Although-premda- Buprenorphine has been widely used in Australia for pain-bolest- relief, it is only in the last year that restricted permission has been given for its use in the treatment of drug addicts.
     Dr Beck said Buprenorphine is the least addictive powerful narcotic there is and has been used as the main chemical treatment for narcotic addiction in France for the past six years, with great success.
     If Buprenorphine is used as an economical, user-friendly detox bridge from narcotics to the Naltrexone therapy, it will cost the drug addict an estimated $20 to detox. If they then use Buprenorphine as their maintenance therapy instead of the Naltrexone or methadone, it will cost an estimated $6-$10 a day, until the PBS subsidizes it. Methadone costs $4 a day and Naltrexone is free in WA. "If someone is spending $100 per day on heroin, Buprenorphine costs as little as 5 to 10 percent of the cost of heroin," he said."

Obratite paznju na cenu "Metadonske terapije" kod njih ($4 dnevno), a koliko je kod nas? Prema nekim saznanjima oko, odn. preko $20 dnevno!!!??? sto je jednako ukupnoj ceni terapije sa BUPRENORPHIN-om za detoksikaciju, odn. za "premoscivanje" od heroina na blokatore, na Naltrexon, koji je kod njih besplatan!!!